The community fund raiser for the SPCA has officially kicked off.  Thank you, Archer Western for our continued partnership and BKV Group.  Make plans to attend the event and cast your vote for the “PAW PAD” . Entries will be on display beginning November 21.  See you at the North Park Mall !

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Defining Moments

Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.  “Henry Ford”   As we move through our daily routines and realize time is marching on ;

Life Path Systems

Evaluation and rehabilitation for mental and behavioral health and those impacted through traumatic events and crisis is the heart of this four-story office building.  Included are jail and law enforcement

Fikes Family Office Building

This elegant three story office building located on Webb Avenue in downtown Dallas is home for the Fikes Family business.  Large airy balconies from the conference room and office suites,