Evaluation and rehabilitation for mental and behavioral health and those impacted through traumatic events and crisis is the heart of this four-story office building.  Included are jail and law enforcement diversion services, intensive behavioral health services, local intellectual and Developmental Disability Authority offices, and administration offices. Beck Architecture and Rogers-O’brien Construction thank you for the opportunity to assist you in the design and construction of this community service project.

Trade Partners: Kawneer, Viracon, Safti First, JLM Hardware

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Serving the Community

Thank you Archer Western Construction. We are proud to be a partner and sponsor for this great community service. CONGRATULATIONS team Archer Western/Walsh, Peoples Choice Award Winners. Good Luck at

Technology to Theology

Nokia Alcatel Hill & Wilkinson General Contractors   Dallas Theological Seminary Davidson, Stearns and Horner Hall’s Hill & Wilkinson General Contractors   Bishop Lynch Phases 3 & 4 Hill &

The Crossings

This 330 unit apartment tower is located in close proximity to Highlands Park and SMU . It will include retail space, parking garage, fitness center, a two story amenity center on