R 21 “Rolex”
Harwood Development & Sphinx Construction
Elegance meets modern industrial in this visual display of combined architectural features, finishes and textures. Lead design architect, Kenga Kuma of Tokyo, Japan provided this awe inspiring vision of acute angles combined with layers of projections in tightly woven intricacy. The illusion of “open air” with gardens and visibility through a subdued but sparkling exterior combined with wood grains truly makes this seven story building a “jewel” in Dallas. Our partnership with Harwood Development & Sphinx Construction began with a vision. Beginning the journey our team created a 3 story mock up. The mock up was designed and built with a high level of excitement and expectations.
Thank you “TEAMS” for providing a “dream” on paper to become a truly beautiful “vision” in reality.
Stay tuned ….as we continue this journey…..