This 20-story multifamily residential property by Street Lights residential offers luxurious super-sized spacious living and is pet friendly. Located near Katy Trail and North Central Express Way will be an attraction for Highland Park residents who might be thinking about redefining their lifestyles. Thank you, Streetlights, for the opportunity to partner with you once again. Our Trade partners: Kawneer Co. and Traco Windows, Tristar Glass.

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Peoples Choice Award

Bark & Build fund raiser campaign with Rogers – O’Brien Construction, Architect, Jason Knogabel  and Southern Glass were honored by the peoples vote for the best pooch palace !  Sponsored by

One Bethany Development

The new 145,000 SF Office is home for Net Scout located in the Watters Creek Development in Allen, Texas.  The three story office building features several multi span curtainwalls and

Technology to Theology

Nokia Alcatel Hill & Wilkinson General Contractors   Dallas Theological Seminary Davidson, Stearns and Horner Hall’s Hill & Wilkinson General Contractors   Bishop Lynch Phases 3 & 4 Hill &